Ludbreg, 12. 09. 2020.
autor: Tomislav Veček

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Subota, 12:00, sirena označava kraj radnog vremena, gasim računalo, oblačim opremu i gas, pravac prema Ludbregu, ravno prema „centru svijeta“. Bio je to predivan sunčan dan i kao stvoren za krenuti u potragu za „centrom svijeta“. Mislim da svi znao o toj legendi kako Ludbreg predstavlja centar svijeta, a znamo ga i po poznatom svetištu Predragocjene Krvi Isusove. To su bile dvije glavne destinacije, no uz to je bilo još nekoliko usputnih stanica. Da ne petljam, krenimo redom.

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Mural Mjeseca može se vidjeti na zidu kuće Drahnik. Zanimljiv street art, autor je Martin Hrastić, koji je taj rad objasnio ovako: „ Mjesec je kao „prva svemirska stanica“ od Zemlje prema svemiru i simbol svemirske beskonačnosti u kojoj sve naše ideje i namjere imaju svoje mjesto.“ Kao da nam autor želi poručiti, da krenemo prema svojim snovima, da ih prestanemo samo sanjati, već i živjeti. Ako su ljudi uspjeli doći na Mjesec, zar ima nešto da je problem na ovom svijetu? Nakon murala idem prema „centru svijeta“ i tu je, osvojen je. Tu su koncentrični krugovi „centar svijeta“, zanimljivo je čitati na pločama imena svjetskih gradova i udaljenostima do njih, zaista se na trenutak osjećaš kao da si u samom centru svijeta. 

Tu je odmah pored i gradski sat kao i kip Svetog Trojstva, malo dalje na trgu je i solarno drvo, a odmah sa druge strane trga je i crkva Presvetog Trojstva. Kada malo bolje pogledam, Ludbreg je jedan od rijetkih mjesta, a da je na tako malom prostoru toliko detalja za vidjeti. Točno zove na jedan obiteljski cjelodnevni izlet. Osim već navedenog tu je još i Arheološki park Iovia, životinje napravljene od slame, šetnica uz rijeku Bednju, perivoj sa dvorcem Batthyány, park sa Otokom Mladosti, sve to je u krugu 1 kilometra i zaista sve lijepo uređeno.

Postoji još i fontana „Svjetionik svijetu“, koja se nekad nalazila na glavnom gradskom trgu, ali je preseljena i sad se nalazi na Ludberginom izvoru, malo van centra grada. U trenutku moje posjete i nije bila u nekom reprezentativnom izdanju, tako da tu slobodno uštedite korake i to vrijeme iskoristite za okrepu na terasi kafića.

Posljednja destinacija u „centru svijeta“ je bilo svetište Predragocjene Krvi Isusove. Nije da sam neki vjernik, tj. za mene su Bog i ovozemaljska crkva uključivo sa župnicima i sl. dva različita pojma. Sa Bogom ja sam rješavam što imam za riješiti i nema mi što posrednik tu propovijedat i dijeliti savjete npr. o obitelji, koju on kao župnik nema. Pričaj lijepo o Bogu, uči djecu da ne lažu, da ne kradu, mani se onoga što ne znaš, a pogotovo se ne petljajte u politiku, jer tu padate u očima ljudi, padate kao kamen kroz vodu, svaka čast iznimkama.


Sa time je moje lutanje centrom Ludbrega bilo završeno i krenuo sam prema periferiji. Tražim labirint lavande, prolazim pored njega i ne vidim ga, vraćam se opet, i tek onda shvaćam da je to na vrhu brijega. Koliko sam kasnije uspio doći do informacija, to je nekadašnje odlagalište otpada, na vrhu kojeg je posađeno više od 1000 sadnica lavande u obliku labirinta, ima tu još i nekoliko sjenica. Nisam baš uvjeren da je projekat zaživio kako je planiran…, možda s vremenom…

No nešto što je definitivno uspjelo i zaslužuje poštovanje, divljenje i zahvalnost je vidikovac Sveti Vinko. Moram priznati, ostao sam iznenađen sa samim projektom izrade i postavljanja kipa Svetog Vinka.

Kip je postavljen uz magistralnu cestu na pravcu Ludbreg – Koprivnica, iznad naselja Globočec. Vidikovac se nalazi na Ludbreškoj vinskoj cesti, koja je otvorena 2010. godine. Sam kip je visok 7,4 metara, a postavljen je na postolju visine 8 metara, izradio ga kipar Petar Kolarić, iz Ždale. Zasluge za samu ideju ovog poduhvata moramo pripisati udruzi vinogradara „Trsek“, ekipa svaka čast, skidam kapu, imate moj naklon. Informacije sa interneta govore da je ovo najviši kip Svetog Vinka na svijetu. Pogled sa vidikovca seže sve do Mađarske. Kip je blagoslovljen i otvoren za javnost 2011. godine.

I moram reći, žao mi je, ali jednostavno moram reći. Dakle nalazim se na vinskoj cesti, pored najvećeg kipa Svetog Vinka na svijetu, mjesec rujan, meni vruće, žedan, ma što žedan, dehidriran od cjelodnevne vožnje i moram piti vodu koju sam prije toga kupio na benzinskoj. Da li me pratite? Znači opet, po stoti puta, uložen trud, novac, muka, sve super izgleda i sad tu nema nekoga da ti proda čašu vina, možda mali suvenir Svetog Vinka…, ma barem da je neki automat sa nekim ukrasnim bočicama vina, mineralne vode, suvenirima, ali ne, ništa, nula, nothing, nichts, nada… To nikad neću shvatit u našem mentalitetu. Tijelo okrijepljeno vodom, a duša predivnim pogledom, polako se spuštam sa vidikovca, oblačim opremu i krećem polako prema kući. 

Dok sam se vozio prema domu, ulovio sam još jedan detalj.
Krajičkom oka, na rasvjetnom stupu vidim neki nosač, sa kamerom, prošao sam samo pored toga. Prošao sam već i kilometar dalje, ali nisam mogao da se ne vratim. Dakle, imamo rasvjetni stup, pored njega stup sa gnijezdom od roda. Na rasvjetnom stupu nosač za kameru i internet antenu. Svaka čast za ideju autoru, ako netko ima informaciju gdje se može gledati taj „prijenos uživo“ molim da me obavijesti. Definitivno ideja je savršena, sto puta sam se pitao kako te sirote rode žive u tom gnijezdu dok sunce prži po njima. Ako me sjećanje ne vara to gnijezdo se nalazi u Varaždinskoj ulici, mjesto Poljanec. Budući da pišem ovaj tekst sa više od godine dana zaostatka, evo baš je danas, prvi dan 2022. godine, moram reći da sam kasnije u nekoliko navrata slikao rode. Čak mi je kroz glavu prošla ideja da dignem drona i proletim oko gnijezda, ali opet, ne želim uznemiravati živinu, mislim da im je dovoljno da su na tom suncu, kiši, vjetru…, a i da mi koja ne kljucne drona u samoobrani. Eto sa time polako i završavam ovaj putopis, dan zaista svršen i definitivno preporuka svima da posjete Ludbreg i okolicu, ima se što za vidjeti i doživjeti…


English version:

Croatia, Ludbreg – September 12, 2020.

Saturday, 12:00, the siren marks the end of working hours, I turn off the computer, put on my motorcycle equipment and give gas, head towards Ludbreg, straight towards the "center of the world". It was a beautiful sunny day, just made for the search for the "center of the world". I think everyone knew about this legend that Ludbreg is the center of the world, and we know it from the famous sanctuary of the Precious Blood of Jesus. These were the two main destinations, but there were also a few more stops along the way. Let's not mess around, let's go by some order.

The Mural of the Moon can be seen on the wall of the Drahnik house. An interesting street art, the author is Martin Hrastić, who explained this work as follows: "The Moon is like the" first space station "from Earth to space and a symbol of cosmic infinity in which all our ideas and intentions have their place." Like author want to say to us, to move towards our dreams, to stop dreaming about them, but also to live them. If humans have managed to go to the Moon, is there anything that is the problem in this world? After the mural, I go to the "center of the world" and there it is, it has been conquered. There are concentric circles "center of the world", it is interesting to read on the boards the names of world cities and the distances to them, you really feel for a moment as if you are in the center of the world. 

There is a city clock right next to it, as well as a statue of the Holy Trinity, a little further on the square is a solar tree, and right on the other side of the square is the Church of the Holy Trinity. When I look a little closer, Ludbreg is one of the few places with so much details to see in such a small space. Exactly calls for a family day trip. In addition to already mentioned, there is also the Iovia Archaeological Park, animals made of straw, a promenade along the Bednja river, a park with Batthyány Castle, a park with the Island of Youth, all with in 1 kilometer circle and really everything is beautifully landscaped. There is also the fountain "Lighthouse to the World", which was in the past located on the main town square, but it has been moved and is now located at Ludberg's wellspring, just outside the city center. At the time of my visit, it was not in a representative edition, so feel free to save steps and use that time to refresh yourself on the terrace of the cafe.
The last destination in the "center of the world" was the sanctuary of the Precious Blood of Jesus. It is not that I'm some big believer, but for me God and the earthly church, including pastors, etc., are two different terms. With God, I decide for myself what I have to solve with him, and I don't need anyone to mediate and share advice, for example, about the family, which he does not have as a pastor. Talk nicely about God, teach children not to lie, not to steal, avoid what you don't know, and especially don't get involved in politics, because that's where you fall in people's eyes, you fall like a stone through water, all honor to exceptions.
With that, my wandering through the center of Ludbreg was over and I headed towards the periphery. I look for the lavender labyrinth, pass by it and don’t see it, come back again, and only then do I realize it’s at the top of the hill. As far as I was able to get information later, it is a former landfill, on top of which are planted more than 1000 lavender seedlings in the shape of a labyrinth, there are also a few gazebos. I'm not convinced that the project came to life as planned…, maybe in some future times…


But something that has definitely succeeded and deserves respect, admiration and gratitude is the Saint Vinko viewpoint. I must admit I was surprised with this project of making and setting up the statue of Saint Vinko. 

The statue was placed along the main road in the direction Ludbreg - Koprivnica, above the settlement Globočec. The viewpoint is located on the Ludbreg Wine Road, which was opened in 2010. The statue itself is 7.4 meters high, and it is placed on a pedestal 8 meters high, made by sculptor Petar Kolarić, from Ždale. The credit for the very idea of this endeavor must be attributed to the association of winegrowers "Trsek", job well done, you have my bow. Information from the internet says that this is the tallest statue of Saint Vinko in the world. The view from the statue platform reaches all the way to Hungary. The statue was blessed and opened to the public in 2011.

And I have to say, I'm sorry, but I just have to say. So I am on the wine road, next to the largest statue of Saint Vinko in the world, the month of September, I feel hot, thirsty, and more than thirsty, dehydrated from driving all day and I have to drink water that I bought before at the gas station. Are you following me? So again, for the hundredth time, hard work, money, toil, everything looks great and now there is no one to sell you a glass of wine, maybe a small souvenir of Saint Vinko…, at least there is a vending machine with some decorative bottles of wine, mineral water, souvenirs, but no, nothing, zero, nada… I will never understand that in our mentality. A body invigorated by water, and a soul with a beautiful view, I slowly descend from the viewpoint, put on my equipment and go slowly to my home.

As I drive home, I caught one detail with the corner of my eye. I see a bracket on the light pole, with a camera, and I just passed by. I had already passed a kilometer or so, but I couldn't help and I turned around and come back. So, we have a light pole, next to it a pole with a stork nest. Camera mount and internet antenna on the light pole. Congratulations to the author for the idea, if anyone has information on where to watch this "live broadcast" please let me know. Definitely the idea is perfect, I have wondered a hundred times how these poor storks live in that nest while the sun burns on them. If my memory serves me correctly, this nest is located in Varaždinska street, in Poljanec.

Since I am writing this text more than a year later, here it is, today is the first day of 2022, I must say that I photographed storks several times later. I even had the idea to take off with a drone and fly around the nest. But then again, I don't want to disturb the birds. I think it's more than enough for them to be in that sun, rain, wind…, and it's better to avoid any air battle with my drone in self-defense. With that in my mind, I am slowly finishing writing about this small adventure. The day was really perfect and I definitely recommend everyone to visit Ludbreg and its surroundings, there is something to see and experience…

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