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HONDA Forza 750 - 2021
autor: Tomislav Veček

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Obitelj Forza modela je dobila još jednog člana, možemo reći, tata je stigao u kuću. Pred nama je najjači i najveći model, Forza 750, čime je upotpunjena postojeća ponuda modela od 125 i 350 ccm. Ovaj model možemo smatrati i nasljednikom Integre, koja se na tržištu pojavila prije 10-ak godina. Pomalo i logičan slijed događaja, sa još logičnijim odabirom pogonskog agregata. Od kuda da počnem, možda za početak da jednostavno nabrojim novosti koje se skrivaju iza imena Forza 750.

  • Agregat od 745 ccm, 59 KS (6750 okr/min), 69 Nm (4750 okr/min), EURO 5.
  •  Moguća i verzija od 35 KW za A2 vozačku dozvolu.
  •  DCT mjenjač sa 3 moda rada (dodatan CUSTOM mod).
  •  Završni prijenos preko lanca.
  •  Throttle By Wire.
  • Paljenje, zaključavanje i otvaranje sjedala se obavlja preko Smart key.
  • HSTC (Honda Selectable Torque Control), na raspolaganju su 3 razine djelovanja i mogućnost isključivanja.
  •  Spremnik goriva od 13,2 L, što nam daje slobodu od skoro 400 km.
  • Spremište ispod sjedala kapaciteta 22 L (stane full face kaciga), sad USB utičnicom, tu je i dodatni prednji pretinac ispred vozača.
  •  Kompletna rasvjeta u LED tehnici.
  •  5'' TFT display, povezivost sa pametnim telefonom.
  •  Prednja up-side-down vilica promjera 41 mm.
  •  Sprijeda dupli diskovi, promjera 310 mm i radijalnim četveroklipnim čeljustima.
  •  Masa sa svim tekućinama: 235 kg.
  •  Visina sjedala: 790 mm.
  • Međuosovinski razmak: 1580 mm.
  • Visina od tla: 135 mm.
  •  Gume: prednja 120/70–R17 M/C, stražnja 160/60–R15 M/C.
  • Stražnji pokazivači smjera su opremljeni sa ESS (Emergency Stop Signal), tj. prilikom naglog koćenja se uključe, to radi iznad brzine od 53 km/h.

Nakon čitanja ove osobne karte, sad se možemo vratiti samom motoru i vožnji. Agregat je preuzet od modela NC 750 u paketu sa DCT mjenjačem. Uz visoko postavljen top ispuha i oštre linije naglašena je lagana sportska nota. Taj poznati agregat sa DCT mjenjačem, mami osmjeh na lice i najvećim konzervativcima (meni). Nekoliko puta je već bilo riječi o tom mjenjaču, pa ću samo kratko navesti koje modove možete koristiti. Standard, Rain, Sport i USER. USER mod sami osmislite kako će se motor ponašati. Sve te informacije o modovima, kao i obilje drugih informacija možete naći na novom TFT zaslonu dijagonale 5''. Ja sam tokom testa koristio Standard i Sport mod. STANDARD, kako ime govori, je za normalnu svakodnevnu vožnju, smirenu, štedljivu, moglo bi se reći, ništa dodati, ništa oduzeti. SPORT mod, e to je mod za upotrebu vikendom, kada želite ipak malo više osmjeha na lice. Tu se okretaju uvijek drže malo više i uvijek imate osjećaj, da ste onaj kamen u napetoj prački. Agregat samo čeka da još malo trznete ručicu gasa i da vas ispali poput metka. U SPORT modu svako kretanje sa semafora, uključivanje na autocestu, prestrojavanje i sl. radnje, to se uvijek, jednostavno samo od sebe, pretvara u drag race. Možda će sad neki reći, da sam se malo previše uživio i da je ipak tu na raspolaganju samo 59 KS. Da tako je, 59 KS, ali…, ma što da pričam dalje, probajte, eto probajte tih 59 KS i što sa njima radi taj mjenjač.

Spomenuli smo već kočnice. Za razliku od NC-a, ovdje sprijeda nalazimo dva diska, promjera 310 mm. Straga je disk promjera 240 mm, naravno cijeli komplet opremljen sa ABS sustavom. To je i dobar potez u odnosu na NC-a, koji ima samo jedan disk. Ne pričamo sad tu o nekim enormnim razlikama u sili kočenja, ali se definitivno osjeća taj disk više.

Ovjes, prednja vilica i tu je ispred NC-a. Forza je opremljena sa up-side-down vilicom promjera 41 mm i 120 mm hoda, nema mogućnost podešavanja. Straga je ugrađen monoamortizer, Pro-Link vilica, hoda 120 mm. Ovdje postoji mogućnost podešavanja stlačivanja opruge. Tokom testne vožnje nisam osjećao neku potrebu da bi ja sad tu trebao nešto petljati. Ah što ću, amater sam.

Što se tiče ergonomije, ovo je fotelja skrojena po mjeri, barem sam se ja tako osjećao. Sjedalo je udobno podstavljeno, noge su udobnom opuštenom položaju, bilo da su spuštene na podnicu ili ispružene na prednje oslonce. Da ovdje spomenem i zaštitu od vjetra, test vožnja je bila u listopadu, jutarnji sati, temperatura je bila 13°C. Vjetrobran toliko dobro štiti vozača da sam se i pri brzinama od 150 km/h osjećao sasvim ugodno, bez puhanja ili prodora hladnoće. Imate osjećaj da bi u tim uvjetima mogli voziti cijeli dan. Tome definitivno pomažu i ventilacijski otvori koji dovode nešto toplog zraka od agregata.

Kako je taj cijeli paket, koji nosi ime HONDA Forza 750, posložen? Hej ekipa, testiram HONDU. Možemo voljeti i voziti kome je što volja, možda HONDE nisu uvijek najbrže, najjače, najljepše, ali im se mora priznati da su skoro uvijek najljepše složene, najuglađenije, sa najfinijim materijalima, onako, rekli bi, najljubazniji motori prema svojem vlasniku.
Sad eto da nije sve super i bajno ima jedna sitnica koja mi je ono, šaka u oko, barem na prvu, a to je položaj retrovizora. Meni se čine užasno daleko, zapiknuti daleko naprijed na dugačkim nosačima. Cijelo vrijeme sam imao osjećaj kao da gledam retrovizore na motoru ispred sebe. Kao i sve ostalo, vjerojatno je samo stvar navike, ali na prvu, daleko su. S druge pak strane, pregledni su, upravo zbog tih dugačkih nosača, donose punu sliku što se događa iza nas, nije da si gledate laktove što zna biti čest slučaj.


Što još reći o novoj Forzi 750, radi li se ovdje o skuteru ili motociklu, da li je ovo vuk ili janje? Moj odgovor na to pitanje je sljedeći, na cesti mi je uzvraćen svaki pozdrav od nadolazećih motorista, i to bez obzira na čemu su sjedili, skuteru ili motoru bilo koje vrste.

Meni je vožnja super legla i ovo je stroj za poželjeti. Za nekoga tko koristi motor za svakodnevnu upotrebu, posao, trgovina…, a vikendom voli otići u potragu za osmjehom, ova Forza je definitivno alat za to. Bez obzira tražite li osmjeh tu u svojem kvartu ili negdje daleko, daleko. Nećete požaliti, probajte… Prilagodba na ovaj motor traje punih 5 minuta, ma ajde da ne pretjeram, neka bude 6 minuta. Svi vi koji imate trenutno slatke brige oko toga što voziti sljedeće sezone, svakako malo razmotrite ovu novu HONDU, Forza 750.

ahvaljujem se „Ruting HONDA“, Hrvatska, na ustupanju motora na test. 

English version:

HONDA Forza 750, model 2021.

The Forza model family got a new member, we can say dady arrived home. In front of us is the strongest and largest model, Forza 750, which completed the existing offer of 125 and 350 cc models. This model can also be considered the successor to model Integra, which appeared on the market about 10 years ago. A bit of a logical sequence of events, with an even more logical choice of engine. Where to start, maybe for a start I should just list the news that is hidden behind the name Forza 750.

  • 745 cc engine, 59 hp at 6750 rpm, 69 Nm at 4750 rpm, EURO 5 compliant.
  • 35 kW version for the A2 driver's license is also available.
  • DCT transmission with 3 operating modes (additional CUSTOM mode).
  • Final transmission over the chain.
  • Throttle By Wire.
  • Ignition, locking and seat opening via Smart Key.
  •  HSTC (Honda Selectable Torque Control), offers 3 levels of control and OFF option.
  • 13.2 L fuel tank, which gives us a freedom of almost 400 km range.
  • Storage under the seat with a capacity of 22 L (fits full face helmet), now with a USB socket, there is an additional front compartment in front of the driver.
  • Complete lighting in LED technology.
  • 5 inch TFT display, smartphone connectivity.
  • 41 mm diameter front up-side-down fork.
  • Front double discs, 310 mm in diameter and radial four-piston calipers.
  • Weight with all liquids: 235 kg.
  • Seat height: 790 mm.
  • Wheelbase: 1580 mm.
  • Ground clearance: 135 mm.
  • Tires: front 120/70-R17 M/C, rear 160/60-R15 M/C.
  • Rear turn signals are equipped with ESS (Emergency Stop Signal), they turn on in case of hard braking, this safety feature works above a speed of 53 km/h.

After reading this ID card, we can now get back to the motorcycle and the ride itself. The engine is taken from the model NC 750 in a package with DCT transmission. With a high position of exhaust and sharp lines, give us a light sporty note. That famous engine with DCT transmission, brings a smile to the face of the biggest conservatives (me). We’ve talked about that gearbox a few times already, so I’ll just briefly list which modes you can use. There is Standard, Rain, Sport and USER. The USER mode gives you option to make custom options for yourself how the engine will behave. All this information about mods, as well as plenty of other information can be found on the new 5 inch TFT screen. I used Standard and Sport mode during the test.

The STANDARD, as the name suggests, is for normal everyday driving, calm, economical, you could say, nothing to add, nothing to take away. SPORT mode, this is a mode for use on weekends, when you want a little more smile on your face. Engine is always a little higher with rpm and you always have the feeling that you are that stone in a tense slingshot. The engine is just waiting for you to turn the throttle a little bit more and then you're fired like a bullet. In SPORT mode, every start from traffic lights, turning on the highway, rearranging, etc. actions, it always, simply by itself, turns into drag race. Maybe now some will say that I enjoyed it a little too much and that there are only 59 hp available. Yes, that's right, 59 hp, but…, no matter what I say next, try it, try those 59 hp and what that gearbox does with them.

The brakes have already been mentioned. Unlike the NC, here we can find 2 discs in front, 310 mm in diameter. At the back is a 240 mm diameter disc, of course the whole set is equipped with an ABS system. It’s also a good move compared to the NC, which only has one disc on the front end. We’re not talking here now about some enormous differences in braking force, but that extra disc definitely feels better.

Suspension, front fork, is also better if we compare it with NC. Forza is equipped with an up-side-down fork with a diameter of 41 mm and 120 mm stroke, no adjustment available. At the rear we can find mono-shock damper, Pro-Link swingarm, 120 mm travel. There we have the possibility of adjusting the spring preload. During the test drive, I didn't feel the need to mess with standard settings. Ah what can I do, I'm an amateur.

As for ergonomics, this is like a custom-made armchair, at least that's how I felt. The seat is comfortably padded, the legs are in a comfortable relaxed position, whether lowered to platform or stretched out on the front supports. To mention wind protection here, the test drive was in October, morning hours, temperature was 13°C. The windshield protects the driver so well that even at speeds of 150 km/h I felt quite comfortable, without any feeling of wind or cold. You have a feeling that in these conditions you could drive all day. Ventilation openings that bring some warm air from the engine definitely help.

How is that whole package, named HONDA Forza 750, arranged? Hey, I'm testing HONDA. We can love and drive whatever we want, maybe HONDA’s are not always the fastest, strongest, most beautiful, but we all must admit that they are almost always the most beautiful in finish touch, smoothest, with the finest materials, so to speak, the kindest motorcycles to their owners.

Now one thing that I noticed, and it is not so great, at least at first, and that is the position of the rearview mirrors. They seem very far from the driver, attached far ahead on long holders. The whole time I felt like I was looking in the mirrors on the motorcycle in front of me. Like everything else, it's probably just a matter of habit, but at first, they are far. On the other hand, because of these long holders, they bring the full picture of what is happening behind you, it is not that you look only at your elbows, which can be a common case.

What else to say about the new Forza 750, is it a scooter or a motorcycle, is this a wolf or a lamb? My answer to that question is the following, on the road I received greetings from the oncoming motorcyclists, no matter what they were sitting on, a scooter or a motorcycle of any kind.

For me, this test ride was a great experience and this is a machine to be desired. For someone who uses a motorbike for everyday use, work, shopping and on weekends likes to go in search of a smile, this Forza is definitely a tool for that. Whether you are looking for a smile here in your neighborhood or somewhere far, far away. You won't regret it, try it… It takes a full 5 minutes to adjust to this motorcycle, OK let me not exaggerate, let it be 6 minutes. All of you who currently have sweet worries about what to drive next season, definitely take a look at this new HONDA Forza 750.

I would like to thank Ruting HONDA Croatia, for providing the motorcycle for testing. 

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